Educational Articles
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Tim. 2:15

Who Are These People?
From time to time, we are asked for clarification concerning the identity of the church of Christ. “What do churches of Christ stand for?” “What do they believe?” “Who are these people—the churches of Christ?” One must take Bible in hand to answer these questions. In...

Understanding the Bible
Take a short drive through any city in the United States and you probably will see more church buildings than you can count on your fingers and toes combined. Let your fingers take a walk through the nearest phone book and the numbers may reach into the hundreds or...

Reasons to Believe in Jesus
Wars often come and go. Battles are won and lost. Businesses are bought and sold. Nations rise and fall. Scientific discoveries are made on a daily basis. These and other pertinent events influence human history in a myriad of interesting ways. But none of them is as...

The Challenge of “Agape” Love
The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. The word Koine denotes “common,” because this style of Greek was the language of the common man-on-the-street during the time of Christ. Koine Greek came into vogue about 300 years before the birth of Jesus, and it became...
A Lesson in Divine Affection
Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
The story of the rich young ruler is a poignant illustration of Jesus’ love for the lost. Despite the young man’s spiritual deficiencies, Jesus’ affection for him was evident. This narrative, found in Mark 10:21, demonstrates that divine love is not reserved for the righteous alone but extends to those who are spiritually lacking. Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem further exemplifies this love, akin to a mother hen’s care for her chicks, highlighting God’s enduring desire to gather and save the lost.
Jesus' Compassion for Jerusalem
In His lament over Jerusalem, Jesus expressed profound sorrow for the city that had rejected Him. His words reveal a deep, unwavering love for its inhabitants, despite their resistance to His message. This lamentation highlights the heart of a Savior who longs to gather His people, much like a hen gathers her chicks, offering them protection and love.
Jesus’ emotional outcry underscores His desire for reconciliation and redemption, even for those who turned away. His love was not contingent on acceptance but was freely given, demonstrating a powerful example of unconditional love. This passage invites reflection on the nature of divine love, which persists even in the face of rejection.
God's Unconditional Love
The Message of John 3:16 and 1 John 4:10
Understanding Divine Love and Judgment
Reconciling God's Hatred of Sin with Love for Sinners
The concept of metonymy helps clarify the seeming contradiction between God hating sinners and loving them. This figure of speech allows us to understand that when scripture speaks of God hating sinners, it is the sin that is detested, not the individual. God’s love for humanity remains steadfast, as demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus, who came to save, not condemn.
Reflect on God's Unfailing Love
Take a moment to ponder the depth of God’s love for you. His compassion extends beyond our imperfections, inviting us to grow closer to Him. Consider how you can strengthen your relationship with God today.